How much does it cost to make a website
The cost of building a website can vary depending on the complexity and size of the project. Learn how to better estimate the cost of a website.
Your website is an asset that needs regular attention to stay relevant. Let's explore how often you should update your website and why it matters.
There's no one-size-fits-all answer, but here are some guidelines based on website types:
Static corporate websites. Aim for monthly or quarterly updates. Even if your business doesn't change frequently, regular tweaks keep your site fresh and relevant.
Blogs and news websites. Daily or weekly, depending on your niche. If you're in a fast-paced industry, daily updates are a must.
E-commerce websites. Weekly, at least. New products, price updates, seasonal changes – your website should be as dynamic as your inventory.
Yes, it's necessary. Even if your business is static, the internet isn't.
It varies, but set aside at least 5-10% of your digital marketing budget for website maintenance and updates.
You can, and sometimes you should. But remember, nobody knows your business like you do.
Updating your website isn't just a chore – it's an investment. Regular updates keep you relevant, visible, and ahead of competitors.
So, how often should you update your website? As often as it takes to stay ahead.
The cost of building a website can vary depending on the complexity and size of the project. Learn how to better estimate the cost of a website.